
NYLCV Emboldened By Success In Avella Race

As it currently stands, state Sen. Tony Avella holds roughly a 600 vote lead over challenger John Liu, the former New York City Comptroller. Liu has yet to concede the race, but it looks like there are probably not enough absentee ballots for him to make up the difference.  

The unofficial vote total in the race so far is 6,813 to 6,245—a very low turnout compared with past history and the expectations of most experts. Thus, getting every vote to the polls was vitally important yesterday. That's why the New York League of Conservation Voters is glowing this morning.

According to an internal memo, the NYLCV identified 6,382 Avella supporters before the election and contacted them at least six times leading up to and on Election Day to make sure they voted. That is about 94 percent of Avella's voters and more than the number that John Liu received in the race.

In an interview with City & State TV last week, NYLCV Vice President of External Affairs Dan Hendrick discussed the organization’s decision to do a five figure independent expenditure to help Avella through a field operation that included knocking on doors, live and automated calls and even technological advantages like smartphone-enabled engagement tools.

Avella has been a champion of the environment and an ardent opponent to hydrofracking. Ideologically, Liu held many of the similar beliefs as Avella on the environment, but Hendrick said NYLCV’s approach was about supporting candidates who have fought for its issues in the past when they face competitive challenges.

"We are proud to have played a major role in defending green allies and advancing a new generation of environmental leaders. And we are just getting started! We will run an even bigger campaign and mobilize even more environmental voters in the general election in November," said Marcia Bystryn, NYLCV’s president. 

On the whole, NYLCV had a good night with 19 of the 24 candidates it endorsed winning their primaries.