
For New York nonprofits, Cuomo's goals require more funding, details

The plans that Gov. Andrew Cuomo laid out in his State of the State address and budget lack the details and funding to make them a reality, nonprofit leaders told New York Nonprofit Media. Many expressed optimism that the hurdles could be cleared and were generally happy with the governor’s direction, but warned that poor planning and underfunding could derail his well-intentioned initiatives.  The governor made a series of spirited proposals earlier this month that could profoundly affect the nonprofit community, including a $28 billion increase in funding for housing, $2.1 billion more for education and a renewed pledge to enact a statewide $15 minimum wage. But the governor’s speech left questions for many nonprofit leaders about how those initiatives would meet current needs, fulfill previous pledges and impact the nonprofit community.

Part of the problem is that nonprofits were essentially left out of the governor’s address, said Doug Sauer, CEO of the New York Council of Nonprofits, Inc., which represents those organizations statewide.

Last year’s State of the State included several references to the nonprofit community, including how nonprofits address hunger, affordable housing, employment for minorities and community development. “There were lots of nonprofit themes,” Sauer said. "This year? Virtually ignored."

"When you look at it, it's devoid of much positive for nonprofits, even though his budget might be doing something,” Sauer said. “It was clearly not any kind of point of emphasis. That's a clear shift.”

To read the full story, visit our sister publication, New York Nonprofit Media.