
Pomp and Circumstances: Commencement speeches prove to be a powerful political platform

About 100 students at the University of Notre Dame walked out of their own graduation ceremony in protest of the commencement speaker, Vice President Mike Pence. However, Pence was not the only high-profile politician to address the class of 2017. U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont and a host of New York officials also graced various stages across the Empire State.

“It is WE who make America great, in solidarity and in love.” – Linda Sarsour

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Bernie Sanders Commencement Speech

Chuck Schumer Commencement Speech

Eric Adams Commencement Speech

U.S. Sens. Bernie Sanders and Charles Schumer and Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams address the Brooklyn College Class of 2017.

“These are tough times ... but standing here and looking at the beautiful people in front of me, I have enormous confidence in the future of our country.” – U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders

Chirlane McCray Commencement Speech

New York City first lady Chirlane McCray accepted an honorary doctorate.

adriano espaillat Commencement Speech

Rep. Adriano Espaillat spoke at Borough of Manhattan Community College commencement.

grace meng Commencement Speech

Rep. Grace Meng gave the commencement speech at Queens College.

alphonso david Commencement Speech

Alphonso David, counsel to Gov. Andrew Cuomo, keynotes the graduation ceremony at Hunter College.