New York State


Adult changing facilities are focus of bill introduced by Harckham and Rolison

The Democratic and Republican state senators are backing the “Traveling with Dignity Act” for people with disabilities.

New York City


Tech start-up incubator heralded as sign of things to come

New York City Mayor Eric Adams called the new Civic Hall in Manhattan’s Union Square, a “laboratory for the entire country."

New York


AI-ready New York City focuses on workforce, procurement

The plan’s emphasis on building employee skills and updating its byzantine contracting lays the foundation for a unified city government ready to face new challenges.

New York


AI-ready New York City focuses on workforce, procurement

The plan’s emphasis on building employee skills and updating its byzantine contracting lays the foundation for a unified city government ready to face new challenges.

New York State


Gonzalez-Rojas reintroduces legislation to eliminate social worker testing requirement

The difficult clinical exam has been considered a barrier for people of color from working in their communities

New York City


Finding ways to end cycles of domestic violence and homelessness

Nonprofit leaders, experts and policymakers gathered at City & State’s “Blueprint for Change: Ending Cycles of Gender-Based Violence & Homelessness” conference to bring light to key obstacles faced by survivors.

New York City


City & State’s Government Procurement conference focuses on modernization

The event attended by government leaders and procurement experts stressed the importance of robust digitization and best business practices.

New York City


Adams: plan to close Rikers was ‘flawed from the beginning’

The mayor cited ballooning costs and more incarcerated people as reasons the complex may not close by the 2027 deadline.

New York City


Rosie Perez and cat-loving influencer Jackson Galaxy join Brooklyn electeds in effort to reduce the borough's feral cat population

The celebrities helped City Council Members Justin Brannan and Farah Louis highlight a new nonprofit veterinary clinic offering affordable spaying and neutering for kitties.

New York City


What would receivership look like for Rikers Island?

Here are the options a judge has for stripping New York City of its control of the dysfunctional jail complex.

New York City


Could New York City’s right to shelter apply statewide?

Some advocates and elected officials argue that the state constitution requires all localities, not just New York City, to provide shelter to anyone who needs it.

New York City


After PR stunts, damning reports and a new lawsuit, judge sets stage for potential federal takeover of Rikers next year

Federal judge Laura Taylor Swain is losing patience with the city Department of Correction, which has now come under fire from the court-appointed federal monitor, Legal Aid Society, federal prosecutors, city comptroller and Board of Correction.

New York City


After Damian Williams’ striking comments on supervised injection sites, New York leaders are quiet

The U.S. attorney said his office is prepared to take action as the sites are in violation of state and federal law, but he declined to elaborate further.

New York City


Is New York ready to legalize supervised injection sites?

Two sites in New York have saved hundreds of lives, but stigma and lack of buy-in from the governor might prevent expansion.

New York City


More people have died in New York City jails than previously known

Since 2014, at least 120 people held in city jails have died while in custody or shortly after being released on medical grounds – but some of those deaths have gone unreported.

New York City


Here's how parents are really treated on Rikers

Unable to exercise their parental rights, incarcerated fathers and mothers can often feel isolated from their children.

New York City


What needs to change at Rikers? Everything.

We asked more than a dozen criminal justice experts. They urged staying the course on borough-based jails – and many called for a federal takeover of Rikers in the meantime.

New York State


‘The pain still lingers.’ Officials break ground on I-81 replacement, acknowledging environmental racism of the past

Gov. Kathy Hochul joined Syracuse Mayor Ben Walsh and Sens. Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand to break ground on the project.

New York City


Nonprofits make final appeals as New York City budget deadline nears

Negotiations have “been tense since day one,” said City Council Speaker Adrienne Adams.

New York State


No, New York wasn’t the anti-slavery hero you thought it was

In light of the state Legislature passing a bill to create a reparations commission, a look back at history shows that the state has a lot of wrongs to make right for Black New Yorkers.