Author Archive

Tim Murphy


Fighting to make sure New York’s community-based mental health providers have the resources they need

An interview with New York State Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare Executive Director Lauri Cole


Putting food on the table and a roof overhead for needy New Yorkers

An interview with Peter Endriss, executive director of Community Help in Park Slope

Interviews & Profiles


Aiming to turn a longtime women’s organization into an advocacy force

An Interview with Na’ilah Amaru, Women Creating Change’s new head of policy, advocacy and government relations

New York City


Building YIMBY support for affordable housing in NYC

A discussion with Annemarie Gray, executive director of the nonprofit Open New York.

Interviews & Profiles


Formerly incarcerated and fighting for prison reform

Jose Hamza Saldana, director of Release Aging People in Prison, in a conversation with New York Nonprofit Media, discusses how to effect change in the face of an Albany scared of seeming soft on crime.


Christine Quinn on leading Win and helping New York's homeless people

The former New York City Council Speaker discusses her work at the nonprofit and answers whether she'd consider a run for public office again.



Nonprofit mission: 'A furnished apartment makes someone feel human'

How a used couch and other pieces of second-hand furniture have gone a long way for a nonprofit in helping those coming directly out of the prison and the shelter systems



Fighting for acceptance of New York City rental vouchers

How one nonprofit and others advocating for tenants are facing discrimination, bureaucratic delays and government incompetence head on.


Special Report News

NYS doesn’t pay nonprofits enough to do the jobs they’re contracted for: Report

The inaugural annual survey from New York Council of Nonprofits shows agencies struggling to hire new people, make payments on time.


New York nonprofits say they’re suffering the worst staffing shortage in years

Organizations blame the shortfall on post-COVID-19 upheaval, a wage rise in Starbucks-type jobs and not enough public funding to offer higher salaries.



NYC lagging on vendor payments during critical time, housing service providers say

Providers claim that a cumbersome city-mandated rebid process is forcing them to draw from their own funds for things like food, medical and security services and holding them back from expanding to help address the city’s migrant shelter crisis.